AAC – Making Sustainable Building Solutions Available

As we are dealing with climate change, people are finding ways to help minimize their impact on the environment. There is now an increased focus on designing buildings as sustainable and environmentally friendly. One is adopting green building practices.

Green building is a design and construction approach that incorporates environmental advocacy into building infrastructure. One of the key challenges in the Southeast Asian construction industry is adapting green buildings, and green building regulations are now becoming stricter. Aside from that, the energy demand is increasing faster than the supply, hence energy efficient green buildings will be more significant.

AAC Lightweight Block Corporation (ABC) offers Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (AAC) blocks to turn buildings into green buildings. LightStrong AAC by ABC is a durable, cost-saving, and sustainable building block. AAC has been manufactured industrially since the turn of the 20th century and is now a popular building material used for a variety of purposes in residential, commercial, and industrial construction projects.

One of AAC’s characteristics is its high energy efficiency. It reduces the need for space heating and cooling in buildings. Compared to aggregate concrete, it has an excellent thermal efficiency of 10 times greater, and two to three times better compared to clay bricks. As a result, buildings made by AAC are warm during winter and cool during summer.  The reason that AAC blocks have an excellent thermal insulation property is its porous structure brought by the autoclaving process. Aside from that, AAC blocks do not use any insulation materials compared to aggregate concrete and clay bricks. Across Europe, the usage of AAC offers a solution for reducing energy usage for both commercial and residential buildings.

Moreover, AAC improves the indoor air quality of buildings. This ensures safety in terms of the health of all citizens, especially children and the elderly who are likely to stay indoors. LightStrong AAC blocks is airtight, resulting in healthy indoor air. Its composition and cellular structure make it moisture resistant, preventing the development of mold, bacteria, or mildew, which can contribute to poor indoor air quality. Aside from that, LightStrong AAC blocks are pest resistant such as termites and insects. This property contributes to a healthier living environment by reducing the chance of using chemical pesticides to kill pests, which can have a negative effect on indoor air quality.

Lastly, LightStrong AAC blocks are strong, lightweight, and 100% recyclable. It is made from natural materials such as sand and/or fly ash, quicklime, cement, gypsum and aeration agent aluminum, and water. All its components are reactive and do not contain any aggregates. Since it is made from natural resources, LightStrong AAC blocks have less carbon footprint and minor environmental impact since they contain no toxic substances.


Green Building and Design: Future of Sustainability. (2019, March 5).

Ohio University Flat-Cake Technology will be a Game-Changer for the United States AAC Market. AACworldwide 3-2020, 10.

Innovative AAC Technology Influencing Southeast Asia. AACworldwide 4-2021, 13.

The European Commission’s strategy to renovate the continent. AACworldwide 3-2020, 8-9. AAC – Providing Sustainable Building Solutions. AACworldwide 3 – 2021, 12-15.

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